Finally i have time to write my blog already...This week back to hometown again,as usual,i dont have much time to do my own things...I go to bed very late every night in this week.Why?Because i am having all those test and also presentation.Among all the test that i'd already gone through,i feel that the most hard test is accounting.Maybe other people will think that accounting is not hard for them or somebody have some accounting basic since they are in secondary school.But for me,i dont have any accounting basic because i was taking science stream when i am in secondary school.I think my accounting test is gonna fail.So sad~
Today i have hubungan etnik presentation together with my group member.Last night i memorize the speech until very late.I went to bed at 12am but i fall asleep at 1pm.The reason is my malay neighbour sang karaoke at 12pm.I cant concentrate in memorizing my speech because of their 'nice' voice.I need to wake up early in the morning again to memorize my speech.I am the first person to present today.I was very worry about my performance later.One person need to present for 5 minutes.After our presentation,we need to take a sit and prepare for the questioning session.Tutor will ask each of us 3 questions and we need to answer it.When i was going to start my presentation,i suddenly forget all the speech that i going to say.But fortunately,i can remember it again after i greet to my tutor.Phew~I was panic and i'd forgot some of my speech.I need to refer to the paper and continue my speech.If i was going to give marks to my presentation,i will give myself 60%.My performance was not very good actually.As i said,everyone was given 5 minutes to present,but i cant reach 5 minutes.My tutor said i gonna reach 5 minutes already.I think i just reach 4 minutes++.Well,the presentation was over already,just forget about it.
Today i go to bed late again.Haiz~I have dark rings around my eyes already.I will write more when i have time.Too many things to share with you all but i have no time to write.I will update as soon as possible.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
hubungan etnik
每个星期五,我都必须上一个我很不喜欢的课。就算不喜欢也没办法,这个科目是一定要读的,就像中六必须读道德一样。我这个科目是历史加一点道德,叫作hubungan etnik.这个科目我不喜欢也就罢了,怎么连tutor我也不喜欢呢?我这科科目的tutor有点strict+凶,这还不打紧,可她讲话又像机关枪一样喔。不只像机关枪,她的声音还很大声+尖,听到我耳朵痛+头痛。每次我班的同学都很快地进了教室,全部好像(好像而已)争着去坐比较后面的位子,害我每次都坐前面。tutor就在我旁边教书而已啊,我的天~为什么每个星期五我都必须承受这种痛苦的感觉咧。。。这个科目是在每个星期五早上上课的,一大清早就弄到我头痛,很好咩?这科真的有点闷,不过还是要读,还是要考,考pass了就不用再读了。朋友们,请替我加油打气,wish me good luck吧~我会很感激你们的。
念小学和中学的时候,除了念书,就是参加课外活动,而学院也不例外。唯一不同的是,学院的课外活动比中学和小学来得精彩和好玩。我上星期已经在学校的club house报名参加课外活动了,我参加了三种课外活动,society我选了brain challenge&team building,而sport的我则选了dancing.这星期就要开始去报到了,我还蛮担心dancing的,因为我不会跳舞。我们选课外活动时必须注意看那课外活动的时间和我们上课的时间有没有clash到,如果有clash到就不能选那个课外活动来参加了,即便那课外活动你有多喜欢也不行。我原本是想选gym的,因为它的时间没clash到,可是哪里知道最后它的时间又换了,而那个时间又刚好是我的上课时间。T.T~brain challenge顾名思义是考考你的脑袋瓜的思考能力和挑战你的脑袋瓜。我朋友说参加了这个课外活动我们的脑袋才不会生锈。
team building呢就是促进团队精神之类的。好玩不好玩我不懂,等我去报到了再说吧~

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